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发布时间:2020-08-11 浏览次数:0网址:https://www.qdljjy.com

1. 白酒也能当药?!实际上,这不仅仅是一个酒类冷知识。据考古学家推测,发酵类酒精饮品更早出现于10万年前,那时候的“人类”甚还没有完成进化,才刚刚具有现代人的特征。
1. Liquor can also be used as medicine?! In fact, this is not just a cold knowledge of wine. According to archeologists' conjecture, fermented alcoholic drinks first appeared 100000 years ago, when the "human" had not even completed the evolution, just had the characteristics of modern people.
The ancestors of human beings were born with the characteristic of yearning for energy food
2. 人类为什么会爱酒?一项名为“醉猴”的研究表明,人类爱酒来源于遗传,因为人类的先祖具有天生向往能量性食物的特征。
2. Why do human beings love wine? A study called "drunken monkey" shows that human love for alcohol comes from heredity, because human ancestors were born with the trait of yearning for energy food.
One tree shrew eats a lot of naturally fermented nectar every night
3. 在马来西亚,有一只树鼩每晚都要食用大量自然发酵的花蜜,其中的酒精含量约为9杯葡萄酒,你能喝得过树鼩吗?
3. In Malaysia, a tree shrew eats a lot of naturally fermented nectar every night, which contains about 9 glasses of wine. Can you drink tree shrew?
4. 即便是滴酒不沾得人,他每100毫升得血液中也会含有0.010.03毫克得酒精,这是因为人类得消化系统也具有发酵功能。
4. Even if it is a non drinker, he will have 0.01 to 0.03 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood, because the human digestive system also has the function of fermentation.
Fat people get drunk more easily than thin people
5. 胖子比瘦子更容易醉,因为高含水量得肌肉更有效地吸收酒精,从而避免大脑受到影响。
5. Fat people are more likely to get drunk than thin people, because high water content makes muscles absorb alcohol more effectively, thus avoiding brain damage.
Whisky and brandy are listed as prescription drugs in the United States Pharmacopoeia
6. 1916年之前,威士忌和白兰地在美国是药典中名列在册得处方药,一般被用来调节身体营养问题。
6. Before 1916, whisky and brandy were listed as prescription drugs in the United States Pharmacopoeia, and were generally used to regulate nutritional problems.
7. 在瑞典,喝不完得酒会被政府回收,经过蒸馏后提取乙醇,再与汽油混合,提供给加油站使用。
7. In Sweden, the alcohol that can't be drunk will be recycled by the government. After distillation, ethanol is extracted, and then mixed with gasoline, which is provided to gas stations.
8. 没事别盯着酒瓶上得软木塞看,香槟酒瓶中的气压约为每平方英寸90磅,是汽车胎压的三倍,如果软木塞弹出来的话,破坏力超过一发子弹。
8. Don't look at the cork on the bottle. The air pressure in the bottle is about 90 pounds per square inch, three times the tire pressure of a car. If the cork pops out, the damage will definitely exceed a bullet.
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