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发布时间:2021-05-28 浏览次数:0网址:https://www.qdljjy.com

At the wedding banquet, the new couple should prepare a banquet for relatives and guests. At the banquet, not only the dishes are high, but also the Baijiu must be prepared, because Baijiu is a very important thing in the wedding banquet. So what kind of Baijiu is more suitable for marriage? What's the best price for wedding wine? Let's have a look.
1、 What's better to drink when you get married.
1. Wuliangye.
结婚时喝什么酒比较好?五粮液是首要对象。五粮液是四川省宜宾市知名的白酒。它的酿造原料来自我们共同的物种谷物,酿造白酒的水来自当地的河流。所以酿出来的酒香、软、甜,是婚宴酒不可多 得的佳品。
What's better to drink when you get married? Wuliangye is the primary target. Wuliangye is a famous Baijiu brand in Yibin, Sichuan. Its raw materials come from our common species of Cereals, and the water from Baijiu comes from local rivers. Therefore, the wine is fragrant, soft and sweet, which is a rare good wedding wine.
2. Maotai liquor.
Maotai is also suitable for marriage. It comes from Guizhou and has a high reputation. Maotai, known as "national wine" and "diplomatic wine", has witnessed a number of major foreign affairs activities. Maotai liquor is characterized by mellow fragrance, fragrance but not fresh, low but not light, fresh smell, fresh taste and aftertaste.
3. Gujinggong wine.
Gu Jing Gong liquor is a Luzhou flavor liquor, its entrance is clear and bottoming, sweet and mellow, and has a long aftertaste. Gujinggong wine is Anwei wine. According to historical records, gujinggong liquor was brewed from Gujing. Because the beauty of wine helps the emperor, it has the reputation of "gujinggong wine", which is also a very suitable wine for marriage.
2、 What's the best price for wedding wine?
1. What's the best price for wedding wine? In fact, the price of wedding wine depends on the economic conditions of the couple. In addition, when choosing Baijiu, do not blindly compare, because only the price of Baijiu suitable for your wedding is more appropriate.
2. If the couple is relatively rich, the price of a wedding banquet can be controlled between 1000-200 yuan. If you don't have much money on hand, the price of Baijiu can be controlled at 500-1000 yuan.
3. Baijiu Baijiu is generally priced at around 100 yuan, and the price of mid-range Baijiu is generally around 200 yuan, and the price of high-end liquor is generally between 500-800 yuan. Of course, if you want to upgrade your wedding, you can choose a famous brand of wedding wine.
Thank you for reading. I hope this is helpful for you. If you want to know more about the wonderful content, please click our official website: Baijiu merchants. https://www.qdljjy.com .