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发布时间:2020-04-10 浏览次数:0网址:https://www.qdljjy.com

1、 Roughly divided into five types according to fragrance type
1、浓香型  以四川五粮液、泸州老窖为代表,其特点为芳香浓郁,绵柔甘洌,香味协调,入口甜,落口绵。其香气为其他香型酒之首,故名。
1. Luzhou Laojiao, Wuliangye and Luzhou Laojiao are the representatives of the strong fragrance type, which is characterized by strong fragrance, soft and sweet fragrance, harmonious fragrance, sweet entrance and soft mouth. Its fragrance is the first of other flavor wine, hence its name.
2、酱香型  以贵州茅台酒、四川郎酒为代表,所谓酱香是指白酒具有类似酱食品的香气。
2. Maotai liquor in Guizhou and Langjiu in Sichuan are the representatives of Maotai flavor type. Maotai flavor refers to the flavor of liquor similar to sauce food.
3、米香型  以桂林三花酒为代表
3. Rice flavor type represented by Guilin Sanhua wine
4、清香型  以汾酒、宝丰酒为代表。
4. Fen Liquor and Baofeng liquor are the representatives of Qingxiang liquor.
5. Other flavors
2、 According to fermentation agent:
1. Daqu liquor ---- liquor brewed with Daqu as fermentation agent.
2. Xiaoqu liquor ---- the liquor brewed with Xiaoqu as a starter.
3、 According to brewing process:
1. Solid state fermentation: the liquor produced by the material circulation in the whole brewing process is in solid state, which is called solid state fermentation liquor. The fermentation vessel mainly adopts ground tank, cellar and other equipment, and the retort barrel distillation is mostly used. The liquor quality of solid-state fermentation is better. At present, the majority of domestic famous liquor is solid-state fermentation liquor.
2. Liquid fermentation method: liquid fermentation method of Liquor refers to the production of edible alcohol from starch crops such as cassava, and then through blending or stringing fragrance. This method is generally used to make low-grade liquor.
4、 By alcohol content (degree):
1、高度酒    主要指50度以上的酒。
1. High alcohol mainly refers to more than 50 degrees.
2、降度酒    主要指40—50度的酒,又称中度酒。
2. Drop alcohol mainly refers to 40-50 degree wine, also known as medium alcohol.
3、低度酒    主要指40度以下的酒。
3. Low alcohol mainly refers to alcohol below 40 ℃.