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发布时间:2020-09-15 浏览次数:0网址:https://www.qdljjy.com

1. Choose the right beverage business agent
When choosing businesses, don't blindly believe in big businesses, don't just think from the perspective of consumers. That's too limited, but from the perspective of businessmen. The outlet of a business depends on many aspects. Even if the support of the business is weak, it has good taste and good service, so it has the same opportunity in the market. For businessmen, as long as they can make money, they are good businesses. Don't follow suit blindly when choosing businesses. Choose according to your own actual situation. After all, what suits you is the best.
2. Scientific management planning of liquor merchants
If you act as an agent for a liquor merchant, you will have the right to operate in the region. But don't put everything on the Baijiu manufacturer. More often than not, you have to rely on yourself. If you are just starting, you should concentrate all your energy on a liquor merchant first, and avoid great success; If you have a certain strength, you can operate multiple liquor merchants, but you'd better not operate liquor merchants with the same style, and try to choose liquor merchants with different positioning to operate. You should combine liquor merchants effectively according to their characteristics, so as to respond to the changes of the market in a timely manner.
3. Have self owned stores or model stores
Self run stores are image windows and important tools to understand the market and conduct market research. Successful self run stores can set up business models for their subordinate dealers, provide reference, and effectively help you clean up unsalable inventory.
4. Timely publicity
Excellent liquor agents are often willing to cooperate with liquor manufacturers to operate advertising in their own regions, and timely launch their own companies to establish their own image. The appropriate publicity of their stores or companies can better enhance their visibility, which is conducive to product sales.
5. Flexible adjustment of business strategy
The market is changing rapidly, which requires a keen sense of smell and decisiveness. Business strategy must keep up with the trend of liquor manufacturers. You should pay close attention to the policies and systems of manufacturers and the changes of market demand, and make timely strategic adjustments.
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