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发布时间:2020-10-15 浏览次数:0网址:https://www.qdljjy.com

Pure grain wine, grain wine, blended wine, alcohol wine, fake wine, do these words make you dazzled and confused? Due to the different opinions of the merchants, the prices vary greatly, ranging from a few yuan to several hundred yuan to thousands of yuan. What is the difference between these wines and how can there be such a big price difference? In fact, we don't have to be confused. Here we mainly need to clarify two concepts: grain wine and alcohol wine. The simplest way to understand them is to learn to look at the implementation standards of wine.
The professional term for alcoholic liquor is liquid liquor. It uses starch and sugar as raw materials, through liquid saccharification, fermentation, distillation to obtain edible alcohol, and then flavoring with food additives. The national executive standard is GB / t20821-2007. So when you buy liquor, you can know whether it is alcohol by paying attention to the standard on the label of the bottle.
In addition, the color and appearance of alcoholic liquor are generally colorless and yellowish, clear and transparent, without suspended solids and precipitation.
The specialty of grain wine is called solid liquor. Its raw materials are mainly grain and grain, which are solid saccharification, fermentation, distillation, aging, blending, and do not add foreign substances such as alcohol, essence, etc. Alcohol and water account for 98% and several hundred organic molecules account for 2% in one bottle of solid liquor. The quality of wine is not determined by the 98%, but by the 2%.
The Executive Standards of solid-state liquor are classified according to flavor types. Luzhou flavor liquor is GB / t10781.1, light flavor liquor is GB / t10781.2, rice flavor liquor is GB / t10781.3, Maotai flavor liquor is GB / t26760, Fengxiang liquor is GB / t14867, special flavor liquor is GB / t20823, sesame flavor liquor is GB / t20824, Laobaigan flavor liquor is GB / t20825. So when friends see the above implementation standards, it can be judged that it is grain wine.
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