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发布时间:2021-04-25 浏览次数:0网址:https://www.qdljjy.com

都说葡萄酒是酒中“贵 族”,葡萄酒中富含多种营养元素,长期饮用葡萄酒可谓好处多多,下面小编为大家搜集了十条长期饮用葡萄酒的益处,请各位客官上眼。同时,不得不说的是,饮用葡萄酒只是健康养生的一部分,健康的体魄还是需要合理膳食,科学锻炼共同调理。下面让我们一起了解一下饮用红酒的十大好处吧。
It is said that wine is "noble" in wine. Wine is rich in a variety of nutrients. Long term drinking wine can be said to have many benefits. Here are ten benefits of long-term drinking wine for you. At the same time, it has to be said that drinking wine is only a part of health preservation. Healthy body still needs reasonable diet and scientific exercise. Let's learn about the ten benefits of drinking red wine.
1: You must be younger than others
Wine has the effect of anti-aging and anti-aging. The extract of wine can control the aging of skin. The beauty function of wine comes from its rich polyphenols and resveratrol. These ingredients have a strong antioxidant function, can improve the metabolism of the human body, fade pigment, make the skin become more white and smooth.
Xiaobian notes: drinking wine for a long time can only delay aging to a certain extent and help keep young, but wine is not the elixir of life. After all, it can't resist the invasion of time.
2: Your brain must be better than others
Wine can increase the body's beneficial cholesterol content, so that blood flows more smoothly to the brain. Studies have shown that moderate drinking can expand the blood vessels of the brain, improve blood flow, stimulate brain intelligence and enhance memory.
Xiaobian's note: after drinking wine, you will know that drinking wine alone can't make you smarter, because you still need to think and practice.
3: You're not going to get fat
You're fat because you don't drink enough wine. Wine contains phenols, vitamin C, vitamin E and carotene. These substances have antioxidant effect, which can improve the proportion of good cholesterol in the human body, maintain the normal metabolism of the human body, and prevent the body from becoming bloated with the growth of age. In addition, wine contains a lot of iron, which has the effect of promoting blood circulation and warming up, so it can effectively reduce the accumulation of water in the body, so it can achieve the purpose of weight loss through detumescence.
Xiaobian notes: to keep slim, we need healthy and reasonable diet, scientific exercise and regular drinking wine for a long time.
4: Go up to the fifth floor in one breath, no trouble
Drinking a little red wine every day can strengthen the bones. Researchers at Tufts University in the United States found that people who drink moderate amounts of wine, both men and women, have higher bone density than those who don't. Therefore, when choosing gaizhonggai brand high calcium tablets (snickering), you can consider drinking some red wine every day and going up to the fifth floor without any effort.
Xiao Bian's note: strong bones, of course, need to supplement calcium, milk, meat, eggs, legumes and so on, of course, essential, at the same time, more sun, but also more exercise, drink more wine, eat less cover.
5: You must have no cavities
A recent study shows that wine can slow down the growth of bacteria, which can effectively prevent tooth decay and tooth loss. A scientific team from the Institute of Food Science in Madrid, Spain, and the University of Zurich, Switzerland, found that wine and grape seed extracts were effective in removing bacteria that cause tooth decay and tooth loss.
To have healthy teeth, you need to brush your teeth frequently, gargle frequently, drink more wine, and sun your teeth every day.
6: You don't need to worry too much about breast cancer
Breast cancer has become a major killer of women, research has found that wine contains a chemical that can prevent breast cancer. This substance has this effect because it can resist estrogen, which is related to breast cancer. So women who drink a little wine every day can prevent breast cancer.
Xiaobian's note: for the health of the women you love, I recommend them to fall in love with the red bar!
7: You're not going to get Alzheimer's
Alzheimer's disease has become a worldwide disease of the elderly, so it has attracted much attention all over the world. Wine can reduce the starch deposition in the memory area of Alzheimer's disease type brain, so as to improve the cognitive function and memory function of the brain. So don't worry about Alzheimer's.
Little editor's note: why wine can prevent Alzheimer's disease, because it can keep you young, understand, drink more wine bar.
8: You don't need to worry about "three highs"
Red wine is rich in resveratrol, which can prevent hyperlipidemia and regulate blood glucose metabolism, and is also conducive to the smooth blood circulation in the body. Appropriate drinking of red wine is helpful to prevent the "three high" problem.
Of course, you need to worry about the "three highs" unless you are not overweight, have a reasonable diet, keep exercising and drink wine.
9: You can be as balanced and flexible as a yoga student
红酒可以提高老年人的平衡感。2012年,匹兹堡大学(University in Pittsburgh)的科学家发现,红酒中的白藜芦醇可以提高老年人的平衡感和灵活性。
Red wine can improve the balance of the elderly. In 2012, scientists at the University of Pittsburgh found that resveratrol in red wine can improve the sense of balance and flexibility of the elderly.
Xiaobian notes: "red wine can improve the sense of balance of the elderly." it's about the elderly. If you want to keep balance and flexibility like yoga students (especially in difficult movements), you need to exercise. Don't make it difficult for the old guys. Drink more red wine and you can't walk.