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发布时间:2021-06-21 浏览次数:0网址:https://www.qdljjy.com

Summer is coming. What should we pay attention to in our diet? The following small make-up for you to carefully recommend the summer solstice drinking some precautions, I hope to be able to help you.
In summer, the temperature is high and the humidity is high. Many vegetables have the functions of relieving heat, relieving fever, relieving trouble, refreshing and strengthening the stomach. When eating noodles, you can choose celery, lettuce, chrysanthemum, Luffa, balsam pear, lotus root, etc. They are not only home vegetables in summer, but also suitable for all ages. Lily, almond, lotus root, water chestnut and so on, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine theory, all have the function of dispersing the lung and eliminating diseases, moistening dryness and reducing Qi. It is very good to use them as dishes or small dishes.
Protein supplement in hot weather
Hot days often have a bad appetite, especially for fatty foods. But sweating will lose a lot of water, protein, minerals, vitamins, etc. will also be lost with the sweat. At the same time, the absorption rate of protein in the human body decreases in high temperature weather, but the decomposition speed is accelerated, so we should pay attention to supplement protein.
Animal protein mainly comes from meat, poultry eggs and aquatic products, and excellent plant protein mainly comes from beans and nuts. Duck meat is a kind of meat in summer. It can nourish the five internal organs and three yin, clear away the heat of deficiency and labor, replenish blood and water, nourish the stomach and generate fluid (daily herbal medicine). It is especially suitable for those who suffer from bitter summer, heat and heat in the body. It is in line with the dietary principle of "heat is cold". In addition, rabbit meat is cool, nutritious and low in cholesterol, which is also suitable for summer consumption. In summer, when the air humidity increases, the spleen is easily damaged by dampness. When the air is hot and humid, people will feel dizzy, tired and loss of appetite. Beans have the effect of invigorating the spleen and removing dampness. Eating in summer solstice can effectively relieve the above-mentioned damp heat, which makes people feel refreshed.