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发布时间:2020-04-20 浏览次数:0网址:https://www.qdljjy.com

No more than 50 ml (1 liang) of low alcohol liquor (38 ℃) per day contains an appropriate amount of alcohol, which is about 150 ml (1 cup) of wine and 450 ml (1 bottle) of beer. A small amount of alcohol can increase the level of high-density lipoprotein, and has the effect of meridians. It can promote circulation of human blood, and prevent and reduce the incidence rate of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.
When we have dinner together, our family and friends enjoy themselves and get drunk easily. The higher the alcohol content in the wine, the faster the absorption, and the more attractive it is. Generally speaking, beer contains 3% to 5% alcohol, rice wine 16% to 20%, fruit wine 16% to 28%, wine 18% to 23%, high alcohol 40% to 65%, low alcohol 24% to 38%. After drinking, alcohol is absorbed into the blood in the digestive tract, and it is absorbed faster when drinking on an empty stomach. Alcohol in the blood is detoxified by the liver. It is first transformed into acetaldehyde under the effect of alcohol dehydrogenase, and then into acetic acid under the effect of aldehyde dehydrogenase, and then into water and carbon dioxide. The whole process takes about 2 to 4 hours.
Each person's ability to get rid of alcohol will be different due to Congenital heredity, whether he often drinks, age and the health and mental state at that time. Generally, adults can digest and differentiate about 0.8ml pure alcohol per kilogram of body weight every day without affecting their health. Drinking alcohol beyond the individual's ability to relieve alcohol will damage the liver; excessive consumption of alcohol will increase lactate in the body, inhibit the excretion of uric acid, and increase the accumulation of uric acid. Patients should not drink, especially patients with hepatobiliary, cardio cerebral vascular, gastric or duodenal ulcer, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, obesity and other diseases must not drink.
Drinking more than the detoxification limit of the body will lead to poisoning, that is, excessive alcohol intake will cause the central nervous system to be excited first and then inhibited, which may present symptoms such as coma, frequent convulsions, heart rate slowing down, heart beat weakness, blood pressure dropping, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, and even lead to respiratory system failure and death. There is a great difference between those who can drink and those who can't drink. There are also great individual differences in poisoning degree and symptoms. Generally speaking, 75 to 80 ml of alcohol poisoning per drink for adults, 250 to 500 ml of alcohol death per drink, and 25 ml of alcohol for young children may also cause death.
In addition to alcohol, white wine also contains a small amount of aldehyde, although it is not the main component of white wine, but the damage to human body is much greater than alcohol. The boiling point of aldehydes is low, only about 20 ℃ is needed. Just scalding the wine can make most of aldehydes volatilize and reduce the damage to human health. Some people are used to smoking while drinking. Alcohol can make blood vessels dilate and body fluid circulation accelerate, and the toxic substances such as nicotine in cigarettes are easily soluble in water. When drinking alcohol, smoking accelerates the absorption of nicotine in cigarettes. In addition, because of the toxic effect of alcohol, it can affect the detoxification function of liver to nicotine and other toxic substances. Some people are used to mixing liquor and soda to drink, which will quickly spread alcohol to the whole body and produce a lot of carbon dioxide, causing damage to the stomach, liver and kidney organs.
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