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发布时间:2020-11-12 浏览次数:0网址:https://www.qdljjy.com

“原浆酒”这个概念再次被大家提了出来。原浆酒是通过粮食酒曲发酵后蒸馏出的成酒。与酒精酒相比,它不掺杂任何酒精勾兑的成分,因此您喝 1 杯酒精酒会上头但您喝3杯原浆酒也不头疼、不难受。
The concept of "original liquor" has been put forward again. The original liquor is distilled by fermentation of grain distiller's yeast. Compared with alcoholic liquor, it is not mixed with any alcohol blending ingredients, so you can drink one glass of alcohol wine, but you can drink three glasses of original liquor without headache and discomfort.
However, it is well known that liquor should be stored in pots for at least 5 years. The alcohol content of the original liquor 70 will slowly decrease and the ester content will increase and stabilize after 5 years. Under the traditional technology of Linjia distillery, 7 rounds of original liquor were finally blended into a cup of six flavor harmonious wine with "sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty and fresh"!
The important standard to judge a good wine is the feeling after drinking. Our wine can make you not dry mouth, do not go to the head, not to mention heartburn and vomiting. The taste of the wine can be fake, but the quality of the drink can only be achieved by making wine sincerely.
1. Raw materials for brewing pure grains
Brewing Fen flavor liquor is different from all other blending liquor on the market. The raw materials for Fen flavor liquor are only sorghum and water, and the rest is handed over to the craftsmanship of the old master and the precipitation of time
2、千年工艺酿造 纯正高粱酒
2. Brewing pure sorghum wine with millennium technology
According to the Millennium traditional brewing, seven day cycle, feeding, steaming, fermentation, wine, to make real pure grain wine. Good wine, not spicy throat, not top, high cost, good for health.
3. 10 years old wine, 5 years base wine
Add 10 years old wine, 15 years old wine seasoning, 5 years old cellar wine as the base wine, the wine taste stronger, taste better! It can be said that it is one of the models of liquor making.
4. The appearance is very good, and the taste is sweet and delicate
Our wine is good to drink, not top, not spicy throat, fragrance is obvious, wine and Chen fragrance are relatively full / coordinated, light sip, the aroma from the tip of the tongue, wantonly spread over the whole mouth, gently into the throat, diffuse the whole nose, let people have endless aftertaste, the same year on the market wine, rarely find this quality.
5. The classic pure grain flavor liquor is suitable for gift giving and self drinking
Giving gifts and wine is a kind of culture, and there are also some stresses. The fragrance type liquor itself is noble, especially the aged Qingxiang liquor, which is a special gift for the rich and the great. For leaders, elders and friends, we have gift box packaging, simple and unsophisticated shape, which is more distinctive and has more face. Drinking by ourselves pays more attention to health and cost performance. We deliver goods from our distillery, which is less than half of the price from other channels. I hope every friend who likes drinking can get sincere aged grain wine at wholesale price.